Wing Lung Bank International Institute for Business Development

Exchange Partners

Exchange Partners

Global reach through diverse partnerships

In this new era of globalisation, it is essential for universities, faculty and students to see beyond geographical borders and to step outside their comfort zone to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

By participating in an international exchange programme, students have the opportunity to supplement academic knowledge with the reality of living in another culture, an experience that is bound to change their outlook.

HKBU and the School of Business have established formal exchange agreements with over 250 leading universities in more than 40 countries, allowing our students to complete part of their degree abroad.

In our search for exchange partners, we seek to ensure the global relevance of our international partnerships. While institution rankings matter, other attributes such as geographical coverage, cultural diversity and academic compatibility all play a heavy part in the development of our international network.

Exchange Partners of the School




MCI Management Center Innsbruck



Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

University of Liège

Czech Republic


Faculty of Economics, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava



Aarhus University



JAMK University of Applied Sciences

University of Oulu (Oulu Business School)



Audencia Business School

Burgundy School of Business

EDHEC Business School

emlyon business school

ESCE (École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur)

ESSCA School of Management


Grenoble Ecole de Management

ICN Business School

IESEG School of Management

ISC Paris Business School

KEDGE Business School

Montpellier Business School

NEOMA Business School

Rennes School of Business

SKEMA Business School

University of Strasbourg (EM Strasbourg Business School)



Berlin School of Economics and Law

EBS Universität (EBS Business School)

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences (Faculty of Business and Transport Management)

Pforzheim University

Technical University of Munich (TUM School of Management)

University of Duisburg-Essen

University of Mannheim Business School

WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management

Witten/Herdecke University (Faculty of Management, Economics and Society)



ALBA Graduate Business School

The American College of Greece



University of Limerick (Kemmy Business School)

Waterford Institute of Technology (School of Business)



LUISS Guido Carli

Universita Carlo Cattaneo (LIUC)



BI Norwegian Business School

NHH Norwegian School of Economics



Kozminski University



Universidade Católica Portuguesa



University of Barcelona

University of Deusto

University of Navarra (School of Economics and Business)



Lund University (School of Economics and Management)

University of Gothenburg (School of Business, Economics and Law)



University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

University of Lausanne (Faculty of Business and Economics, HEC Lausanne)

Zurich University of Applied Sciences

The Netherlands


Erasmus University Rotterdam

Maastricht University (School of Business and Economics)

Nyenrode Business University

Radboud University (Nijmegen School of Management)

University of Amsterdam

University of Groningen

VU University Amsterdam

Windesheim University of Applied Sciences



Koc University (College of Administrative Sciences and Economics)



Lancaster University Management School

Loughborough University (Loughborough Business School)

Manchester Metropolitan University

University of Kent (Kent Business School)

University of Strathclyde (Strathclyde Business School)

University of Surrey (Surrey Business School)

University of Westminster (Westminster Business School)

All partners of HKBU
